Category Archives: Books

The Miracle Morning – Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning book coverMy Rating: 8 /10
Title: The Miracle Morning: The not-so obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before 8am (Amazon Link)
Authors: Hal Elrod

Personally I hate Albert Einstein quotes. Why doesn’t everyone start with them? Maybe it’s just from working in research, but I feel I have been chronically over-exposed…

Reading The Miracle Morning has gotten me out of bed in the morning and made me look forward to it. You can too, but only if you consciously commit to it.
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Permission Marketing – Seth Godin

Permission MarketingMy Rating: 8 /10
Title: Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends (Amazon Link)
Author: Seth Godin

Written just prior to Yahoo! acquiring Seth Godin’s company Yoyodyne, Permission Marketing will open your eyes to just how pervasive marketing is around you and provide insights into how money flows across the web.

Say no to “interruption marketing” and find out why permission is required for effective marketing in the 21st Century.
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Antifragile – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

My Rating: 6 /10
Title: Antifragile, Things That Gain From Disorder (Amazon Link)
Author: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

On the surface Antifragile actually deserves a 9/10 rating. The book presents a deceptively simple concept that will be new to many people. However things started to seem repetitive in the latter half of the book and so I took one point off of my rating for every half an hour that I just wanted the book to end. Despite this the core idea deserves your attention.

See below for my explanation of what “Antifragile” means and how this relates to some other concepts that everyone should know about.

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Losing My Virginity – Richard Branson

Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson, Amazon.comMy Rating: 7 / 10
Title: Losing My Virginity (Amazon Link)
Author: Richard Branson

Continuous near depth experiences, while building up the Virgin empire from nothing has created a certain tension that runs right through Richard Branson’s autobiography. I found this to be a surprisingly engaging read that I couldn’t put down.

Just in case you’re wondering, the book does deliver on its title (and I’m not talking about when he had to sell Virgin Records to Thorn EMI). See below for some (brief) notes organised into three main themes.

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Confessions of a Public Speaker – Scott Berkun

Confessions of a Public Speaker book cover
My Rating: 8 / 10
Title: Confessions of a Public Speaker (Amazon Link)
Author: Scott Berkun

Confessions of a Public Speaker covers a range of topics, but at the core of the book it’s really just the experiences of a person putting themselves out there. Speaking is simple, “It’s just a person with ideas”. By taking us through his own experiences with public speaking, Scott Berkun unearths some underlying truths behind what goes into a good talk. See below for my attempt at organising the lessons I learned from reading the book.

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